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Cardiff Council

FOI & Open Data

City of Cardiff Council is committed to publishing increasing amounts of its data.  This promotes openess and transparency and allows others to re-use this data in new and imaginative ways.
City of Cardiff Council has adopted the UK government's approach that data should be published to a minimum of 3 stars. 
This means our data is easily accessible and available to re-use as required (subject to terms outlined in the Open Government Licence).  We are working hard to ensure all our published datasets meet this standard.

Personal data
Protecting your personal data is of paramount importance to us.  We are only publishing data which contains no personal data or where any personal data has been removed.  Publishing data will not impact on our obligations in adhering to the Data Protection Act. is the UK government's national data store.  Its aim is to make data which is published by public sector organisations across the UK easily available.  It is our intention to make available increasing amounts of our data available on this site as well as here on

Data Quality
We want our data to be as accurate as possible and work hard to get this right before it is published.  We don't want data quality however to be a barrier to the publication of data and if we are aware of any issues we'll let you know.  You can also help us to improve the quality of our data.  If you spot any errors please let us know and we'll look into correcting it.


expandAllotment Sites

28 active allotment sites with over 2,000 tenanted plots. Allotments are in high demand. This data set provides a list of allotment sites including those managed by the Cardiff City Council and those self-managed. The data includes Site Name, Address and Electoral Division. Further information can be accessed has 28 active allotment sites with over 2,000 tenanted plots. Allotments are in high demand. This data set provides a list of allotment sites including those managed by the Cardiff City Council and those self-managed. The data includes Site Name, Address and Electoral Division. Further information can be accessed

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeAllotment Sites - April 20202020N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Managed Allotment Sites 2014-152014-15N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Managed Allotment Sites 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Managed Allotment Sites 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Managed Allotment Sites 2018-192019N/AAnnually
TypeLocal Managed Agreement Allotment Sites 2014-152014-15N/AAnnually
TypeLocal Managed Agreement Allotment Sites 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually
TypeLocal Managed Agreement Allotment Sites 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually
TypeAllotment Sites - 20232023N/AAnnually

expandBenefit Claims

A total figure of benefit claims broken down by benefit,  including Housing Revenue Accounts Rent Rebate Expenditure, Rent Allowance Expenditure and Council Tax Reduction Expenditure

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeBenefit Claims 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually
TypeBenefit Claims 2013-142013-14Q1Annually
TypeBenefit Claims 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypeBenefit Claims 2014-152014-15Q1Annually
TypeBenefit Claims 2018-20192019N/AAnnually

expandCardiff Council Dataset Register

This  is a comprehensive  list of all datasets currently published  by the City of Cardiff Council. Each dataset is published in a machine readable format and can be reused  as required (subject to the terms outlined in the Open Government Licence)

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCardiff Council Dataset Register - 2015-162015-16N/AQuarterly
TypeCardiff Council Dataset Register - Quarter 1 2016-172016-17Q1Quarterly
TypeCardiff Council Dataset Register - Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypeCardiff Council Dataset Register - Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q3Quarterly

expandCare Homes

Total figure of payments made to Care Homes in the financial year.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeFees Paid to Care Homes 2013-142013-14Q1Annually
TypeFees Paid to Care Homes 2014-152014-15Q1Annually
TypeFees Paid to Care Homes 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually

expandCCTV Devices

A list of all CCTV devices operated within the City of Cardiff.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCCTV Devices 2014-152014-15Q1Annually
TypeCCTV Devices 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually
TypeCCTV Devices 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypeCCTV Devices 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually
TypeCCTV Devices 20202020N/AAnnually
TypeCCTV Devices 2023-242023N/AAnnually

expandCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations

A list of CCTV device locations used for traffic enforcement within the City of Cardiff.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations Q1 2016-172016-17Q1Quarterly
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations Quarter 1 2015-162015-16Q1Quarterly
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations Quarter 1 2017-182017-18Q1Quarterly
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations Quarter 2 2015-162015-16Q2Quarterly
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations Quarter 2 2019-202019Q2Quarterly
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations- Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations Quarter 3 2015-162015-16Q3Quarterly
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q3Quarterly
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations Quarter 4 2014-152014-15Q4Quarterly
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations Quarter 4 2015-162015Q4Quarterly
TypeCCTV Enforcement Camera Locations Quarter 4 2016-172016-17Q4Quarterly

expandCemeteries and Crematoria

Cardiff Bereavement Services is part of the City of Cardiff Council. We operate Cardiff Crematorium at Thornhill and 7 cemeteries in Cardiff. Further information including opening times can be accessed here: 

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCemeteries and Crematoria 2014-152014-15Q1Annually
TypeCemeteries and Crematoria 2015-162015N/AAnnually
TypeCemeteries and Cremetoria 2023-242023N/AAnnually

expandCity Centre Footfall

A total figure of footfall to Cardiff City Council during the calendar year broken down by months.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCity Centre Footdall - 20172017N/AAnnually
TypeCity Centre Footfall 2005 - 20132005-2013N/AAnnually
TypeCity Centre Footfall - 20162016N/AAnnually
TypeCity Centre Footfall 20142014N/AAnnually
TypeCity Centre Footfall 20152015N/AAnnually
TypeCity Centre Footfall 2018-222023N/AAnnually

expandContracts Register

Cardiff Council has developed a Contract and Framework Calendar which provides a list of all the Council's current contracts and frameworks, including framework arrangements established by the Welsh Purchasing Consortium (WPC)​​​​​​​​​. This list of contracts is aimed to provide current and prospective suppliers and contractors with an idea of the variety of goods, services and works that the council buys. This list is to demonstrate the council's current contracts and frameworks. This does not provide a like-for-like guarantee that the same goods, services or works will be tendered again upon contract expiry.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeContracts Register - Update 2 20162016N/ABiannual
TypeContract Register - Update 1 20182018N/ABiannual
TypeContracts Register Update 1 20162016N/ABiannual
TypeContracts Register Update 1 20172017N/ABiannual
TypeContracts Register Update 2 20152015N/ABiannual

expandCorporate Retention Schedule

A schedule providing details of record retention within the City of Cardiff Council.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCorporate Retention Schedule 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually
TypeCorporate Retention Schedule 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypeCorporate Retention Schedule 2014-152014-15N/AAnnually
TypeCorporate Retention Schedule 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually
TypeCorporate Retention Schedule 2018-192019N/AAnnually
TypeCorporate Retention Schedule 2019-202020N/AAnnually
TypeCorporate Retention Schedule 2023-242023N/AAnnually

expandCouncil Car Parks

A list of all council owned car parks including car capacity, blue badge spaces and motorcycle spaces.  Opening Hours and Sat Nav addresses can be accessed here:

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCouncil Car Parks - 2014-152014-15Q1Annually
TypeCouncil Car parks 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Car Parks 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually

expandCouncil Housing Stock

A list of all Council Housing Stock, including sold and demolished dwellings.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCouncil Housing Stock 2015-162015N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Housing Stock 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Housing Stock 2014-152014-15N/AAnnually

expandCouncil Properties Under Occupation

A list of all Cardiff City Council owned properties which are deemed to be under occupation. The dataset shows properties by area, postcode sector and the number of bedrooms for each property.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCouncil Properties Under Occupation 2014-152014-15Q1Annually
TypeCouncil Properties Under Occupation 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Properties Under Occupation 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually

expandCouncil Tax Band Charges

A dataset providing details of Council Tax band charges by financial year. The amount of Council Tax you pay depends on which area of Cardiff you live in and which valuation band your property is in.  The valuation band is determined by the Valuation Office Agency. Further information can be found on their website.
Further information relating to Council Tax can be accessed here:

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCouncil Tax Band Charges 2015-162015-16Q1Annually
TypeCouncil Tax Band Charges 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Tax Band Charges 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Tax Band Charges 2018-192019N/AAnnually
TypeCouncil Tax Band Charges 2019-202019-20N/AAnnually

expandCouncillor Allowances

The council publishes details of all allowances paid to councillors on an annual basis.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCouncillor Allowances2015-16Q1Annually

expandEmployee Equality Data

Cardiff Council as a local authority has a specific duty under the Equality Act (2010) to collect and report on employment and pay information. The datasets attached fulfil our specific duty requirements.  Our employee data includes information on: recruitment, training, grievance and disciplinary procedures and pay differences.

Mae gan Gyngor Caerdydd fel awdurdod lleol ddyletswydd benodol dan y Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb (2010) i gasglu ac adrodd ar wybodaeth cyflogaeth a thâl. Mae’r setiau data a atodir yn cyflawni ei gofynion dyletswydd penodol. Mae ein data cyflogeion yn cynnwys Gwybodaeth am: recriwtio, hyfforddiant, gweithdrefnau camwedd a disgyblu a gwahaniaethau tâl.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeEmployee Equality Data - 2017-182018N/AAnnually
TypeEmployee Equality Data - 2017-18_UVKNZ92018N/AAnnually

expandGrit Bin Locations

Grit bins are provided for use by members of the public and also the emergency services on the adopted highway. We will provide a salt container where a need has been identified on routes that are not on the pre-salting network. This list details locations of grit bins within the City of Cardiff. Further information relating to Winter Maintenance can be accessed here:

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeGrit Bin Locations - 20162016N/AAnnually
TypeGrit Bin Locations - 20172017N/AAnnually
TypeGrit Bin Locations 20152015Q1Annually
TypeGrit Bin Locations 2015_XQGW0D2015Q1Annually

expandHackney Carriage Licences

A list of all registered Hackey Carriage vehicles registered in Cardiff. Hackney carriage vehicles can be hailed at the roadside or from a taxi rank and do not need to be pre-booked.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeHackney Carriage Licences - Update 1 20172017-18N/ABiannual
TypeHackney Carriage Licences - Update 2 20162016N/ABiannual

expandHMO Licences - Additional

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) The law requires that certain types of rented property are licensed in order to meet standards that ensure a house is safe for the occupants and that the landlord is competent, qualified and the most appropriate person to manage it.  This datasets shows additional HMO licences issued to properties within the Cathays and Plasnewydd area of the City of Cardiff.
Further information can be accessed here:

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeAdditional HMO Licences - Quarter 4 2015-162015-16Q4Quarterly
TypeAdditional HMO Licences - Quarter 2 2015-162015-16Q2Quarterly
TypeAdditional HMO Licences Quarter 4 2016-172016-17Q4Quarterly
TypeAdditional HMO Licences - Quarter 1 2015-162015-16Q1Quarterly
TypeAdditional HMO Licences - Quarter 3 2015-162015 - 16Q3Quarterly
TypeAdditional HMO Licences Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q3Quarterly
TypeAdditional HMO Licences Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypeHMO Additional Licensing Register - Quarter 2 2017-182017-18Q2Quarterly

expandHMO Licences - Mandatory

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) The law requires that certain types of rented property are licensed in order to meet standards that ensure a house is safe for the occupants and that the landlord is competent, qualified and the most appropriate person to manage it.  This datasets shows A list of mandatory HMO licences issued to properties within the City of Cardiff.
Further information can be accessed here: 

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeHMO Mandatory Licensing Register - Quarter 2 2017-182017-18Q2Quarterly
TypeMandatory HMO Licences Quarter 1 2015-162015-16Q1Quarterly
TypeMandatory HMO Licences Quarter 2 2015-162015-16Q2Quarterly
TypeMandatory HMO Licences Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypeMandatory HMO Licences Quarter 3 2015-162015 - 16Q3Quarterly
TypeMandatory HMO Licences Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q3Quarterly
TypeMandatory HMO Licences Quarter 4 2014-152014-15Q4Quarterly
TypeMandatory HMO Licences Quarter 4 2015-162015-16Q4Quarterly
TypeMandatory HMO Licences Quarter 4 2016-172016-17Q4Quarterly

expandHMO Licences - Renewal

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) The law requires that certain types of rented property are licensed in order to meet standards that ensure a house is safe for the occupants and that the landlord is competent, qualified and the most appropriate person to manage it.  This dataset shows a list of additional HMO licences with a 5 year expiry date  issued to properties within the Cathays area of the City of Cardiff.  Further information can be accessed here: 

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeRenewal of additional HMO Licences Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q3Quarterly
TypeRenewal of additional HMO Licences Quarter 4 2016-172016-17Q4Quarterly
TypeRenewal of mandatory HMO licences Quarter 1 2015-162015-16Q1Quarterly
TypeRenewal of mandatory HMO licences Quarter 2 2015-162015-16Q2Quarterly
TypeRenewal of Mandatory HMO Licences Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypeRenewal of Mandatory HMO Licences Quarter 2 2016-17_NRE5Y22016-17Q2Quarterly
TypeRenewal of mandatory HMO licences Quarter 3 2015-162015 - 16Q3Quarterly
TypeRenewal of Mandatory HMO Licences Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q3Quarterly
TypeRenewal of mandatory HMO licences Quarter 4 2014-152014-15Q4Quarterly
TypeRenewal of Mandatory HMO Licences Quarter 4 2015-162015-16Q4Quarterly
TypeRenewal of Mandatory HMO Licences Quarter 4 2016-172016-17Q4Quarterly

expandJob Evaluation Grades

A list of all Cardiff Council employee job titles and pay grades.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeJob Evaluation Grades 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually
TypeJob Evaluation Grades 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypeJob Evaluation Grades 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually

expandLand and Building Assets

A list of council owned land and building assets which are deemed corporately owned.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeCouncil Land and Building Assets 2014-152014-15N/AAnnually
TypeLand and Building Assets 2014-152014-15N/AAnnually
TypeLand and Building Assets 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually
TypeLand and Building Assets 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually

expandLibraries Footfall

Footfall for all libraries within the City of Cardiff broken down by month for calendar year. Further information regarding Library Services can be accessed here:

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeLibraries Footfall - 20152015Q1Annually
TypeLibraries Footfall - 20162016N/AAnnually
TypeLibraries Footfall - 2015_XIRYP52015Q1Annually
TypeLibraries Footfall 20142014Q1Annually
TypeLibraries Footfall 2016-20212023N/AAnnually

expandLicenced Skin Piercers

A list of all licenced skin piercers within the City of Cardiff.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeLicence Skin Piercers Quarter 2 2019-202019Q2Quarterly
TypeLicenced Skin Piercers Quarter 1 2015-162015-16Q1Quarterly
TypeLicenced Skin Piercers Quarter 1 2016-172016-17Q1Quarterly
TypeLicenced Skin Piercers Quarter 2 2015-162015-16Q2Quarterly
TypeLicenced Skin Piercers Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypeLicenced Skin Piercers Quarter 3 2015-162015-16Q3Quarterly
TypeLicenced Skin Piercers Quarter 4 2015-162015-16Q4Quarterly
TypeLicenced Skin Piercers Quarter 4 2014-152014-15Q4Quarterly

expandLooked After Children

A dataset showing the number of children who for a period of time were looked after by the authority.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeLooked After Children - Quarter 1 2016-172016-17Q1Quarterly
TypeLooked After Children April 2017-202020N/AQuarterly
TypeLooked After Children April 2017-20_Y04PQR2020N/AQuarterly
TypeLooked After Children Quarter 1 2015-162015-16Q1Quarterly
TypeLooked After Children Quarter 1 2017-182017-18Q1Quarterly
TypeLooked After Children Quarter 2 2015-162015-16Q2Quarterly
TypeLooked After Children Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypeLooked After Children Quarter 3 2015-162015/16Q3Quarterly
TypeLooked After Children Quarter 3 2015-16_2WLH3F2015-16Q3Quarterly
TypeLooked After Children Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q4Quarterly
TypeLooked After Children Quarter 4 2014-152014-15Q4Quarterly
TypeLooked after Children Quarter 4 2015-162015-16N/AQuarterly
TypeLooked After Children Quarter 4 2016-172016-17Q4Quarterly

expandMoving Traffic Offences

A list of all moving traffic offences issued within the quarter including bus lane fines and yellow box junction fines. This information is broken down per week and includes the location of the offence.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeMoving Traffic Offences - Quarter 3 2015-162015-16Q3Quarterly
TypeMoving Traffic Offences Quarter 1 2016-172016-17Q1Quarterly
TypeMoving Traffic Offences Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypeMoving Traffic Offences Quarter 3 2015-162015-16Q3Quarterly
TypeMoving Traffic Offences Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q3Quarterly
TypeMoving Traffic Offences Quarter 4 2015-162015-16Q4Annually

expandNeighbourhood Services Enforcement

A breakdown of all neighbourhood service enforcement notices issued within each financial year. This is broken down by offence, the Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) amount, total number of FPN's issued, income generated, whether the FPN has been paid or not and also any legal action, if taken.

This data set includes historic information dating back to 1st April 2011. Future datasets will be updated quarterly.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeNeighbourhood Services Enforcement - 2011-12 - 2016-172011-12 - 2016-17Q4Quarterly
TypeNeighbourhood Services Enforcement - Quarter 1 2017-182017-18Q1Quarterly

expandPenalty Charge Notices - Bus Lanes

Total number of bus lane fines issued per quarter.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Bus Lanes Quarter 1 2015-162015-16Q1Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Bus Lanes Quarter 2 2015-162015-16Q2Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Bus Lanes Quarter 4 2014-152014-15Q4Quarterly

expandPenalty Charge Notices - MTO and Parking

A breakdown of all moving traffic and parking enforcement notices issued within the quarter including bus lane fines and yellow box junction fines. This information is broken down per week and includes the location of the offence. Also included in this data set is information relating to appeals and the income received.

Please note that Appeals/Write offs can be subject to change.

These figures exclude anything with car parking charges this is merely parking enforcement and moving traffic offence enforcement.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypePenalty Charge Notices - MTO and Parking Quarter 1 2017-182017-18Q1Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - MTO and Parking Quarter 1 2019-202019Q1Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - MTO and Parking Quarter 1-3 2018-192018-19Q3Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - MTO and Parking Quarter 2 2017-182017-18Q2Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - MTO and Parking Quarter 3 2019-202020Q3Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - MTO and Parking Quarter 4 2016-172016-17Q4Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Quarter 3 and 4 2017-182017-18N/AQuarterly

expandPenalty Charge Notices - Parking

Total number of parking fines issued per quarter.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Parking Quarter 1 2015-162015-16Q1Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Parking Quarter 1 2016-172016-17Q1Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Parking Quarter 2 2015-162015-16Q2Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Parking Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Parking Quarter 3 2015-162015-16Q3Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Parking Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q3Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Parking Quarter 4 2014-152014-15Q4Quarterly
TypePenalty Charge Notices - Parking Quarter 4 2015-162015-16Q4Quarterly

expandPlay Sites

A list of all play site assets within Cardiff. This includes the type of asset, asset name and age range of asset. Toddler assets are suitable for children under 5 years old, Junior 5-10 years old and Senior over 10 years old.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypePlay Site Assets 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypePlay Sites2016-17N/AAnnually
TypePlay Sites 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypePlay Sites 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually


A list of recorded potholes within the City of Cardiff.This dataset details location, the date recorded and completion dates.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypePotholes 2015-162015-16Q4Quarterly
TypePotholes 2016-20192019N/AAnnually

expandPrivate Equity Funds

All Cardiff Council's Private Equity Funds. This list includes, specifically,Commitment, Contribution Value and Internal Rate of Return.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 1 2015-162015-16Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 1 2016-172016-17Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 1 2017-182017-18Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 1 2018-192018-19Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 1 2020-212020Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 2 2015-162015-16Q2Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 2 2017-182017Q2Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 2 2018-19_Y7ZOD72018-19Q2Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 2 2018-192018-19Q2Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 3 2015-162015-16Q3Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q3Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 3 2017-182017-18Q3Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 3 2019-202019Q3Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 4 2015-162015-16Q4Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 4 2016-172016-17Q4Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 4 2017-182017-18Q4Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 4 2019-202020Q4Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quater 1 2019-202019Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quater 2 2019-202019Q2Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quater 3 2018-192019Q3Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quater 4 2018-192019Q4Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 2 - 2022-232022Q2Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 4 - 2022-232023Q4Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 3 - 2022-232022Q3Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 1 - 2022-232022Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 1 - 2023-242023Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 2 - 2023-242020Q2Quarterly
TypePrivate Equity - Quarter 3 - 2023-242020Q3Quarterly

expandPrivate Licenced Hire Operators

Anyone who wants to accept private hire bookings must be licensed as a private hire operator. This is a list of all private licenced hire operators within the City of Cardiff and is updated on a quarterly basis. Anyone who wants to accept private hire bookings must be licensed as a private hire operator. This is a list of all private licenced hire operators within the City of Cardiff and is updated on a quarterly basis.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypePrivate Hire Licenced Hire Operators Quarter 4 2015-162015-16Q4Quarterly
TypePrivate Hire Licenced Hire Operators Quarter 1 2016-172016-17Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Hire Licenced Hire Operators Quarter 1 2017-182017-18Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Hire Licenced Hire Operators Quarter 2 2016-172016-17Q2Quarterly
TypePrivate Hire Licenced Hire Operators Quarter 3 2016-172016-17Q3Quarterly
TypePrivate Hire Licenced Hire Operators Quarter 4 2016-172016-17Q4Quarterly
TypePrivate Hire Licences - Update 1 20172017-18N/ABiannual
TypePrivate Hire Licences - Update 2 20162016N/ABiannual
TypePrivate Licenced Hire Operators Quarter 1 2015-162015-16Q1Quarterly
TypePrivate Licenced Hire Operators Quarter 2 2015-162015-16Q2Quarterly
TypePrivate Licenced Hire Operators Quarter 3 2015-162015-16Q3Quarterly
TypePrivate Licenced Hire Operators Quarter 4 2014-152014-15Q4Quarterly

expandPublic Access Free Wi-Fi

A list of all public places within the City of Cardiff that can access the City of Cardiff Council's free Wi-Fi service.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypePublic Access Free Wi-Fi 20152015Q1Annually
TypePublic Access Free Wi-Fi 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually
TypePublic Access Free Wi-Fi 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually
TypePublic Access Free Wi-Fi 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypePublic Access Free Wi-Fi Quarter 2014-152015Q4Annually

expandPublic Rights of Way

Public rights of way are footpaths, bridleways and byways open to all traffic and any roads used as public paths. In total there are well over 100 miles of public rights of way across Cardiff.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypePublic Rights of Way 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypePublic Rights of Way 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually

expandSchools - Nursery

A list of all Nursery Schools within the City of Cardiff including contact details and Head Teacher.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeNursery Schools 2014-152014-15N/AAnnually

expandSchools - Primary

A list of all Primary Schools within the City of Cardiff including contact details and Head Teacher.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypePrimary Schools 2014-152014-15N/AAnnually

expandSchools - Special

A list of all Special Educational Needs Schools within the City of Cardiff including contact details and Head Teacher.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeSpecial Schools - 2014-152014-15N/AAnnually

expandSchools Agency Supply Staff Expenditure

Amount spent by schools on agency supply staff during the financial year.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeSchools Agency Supply Staff Expenditure 2014-152014-15Q1Annually
TypeSchools Agency Supply Staff Expenditure 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually
TypeSchools Agency Supply Staff Expenditure 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually

expandSchools- Secondary

A list of all Secondary Schools within the City of Cardiff including contact details and Head Teacher.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeSecondary Schools 2014-152014-15N/AAnnually

expandSenior Officer Salaries

The City of Cardiff Council publishes details of all Senior Officers annual salaries.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeSenior Officer Salaries 2014-152014-15Q1Annually
TypeSenior Officer Salaries 2015-162015-16Q1Annually
TypeSenior Officer Salaries 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually
TypeSenior Officer Salaries 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually

expandTraffic Signal Junctions and Crossings

A list of all traffic signal junction locations and pedestrian crossing locations within the City of Cardiff.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeTraffic Signal Junctions and Crossings 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually
TypeTraffic Signal Junctions and Crossings 2017-182017-18N/AAnnually

expandUnaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children

An annual review of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children within the City of Cardiff Council including age assessments and legal proceedings.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeUnaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children - 2015-162015-16N/AAnnually

expandWaste Management - Ward Collections

Recycling is collected every week in green bags.  Food waste collected every week in brown kerbside caddies.  General waste and Garden waste is collected less often.  The containers used for general waste and garden waste is dependent on your property type. Collection days may change if there is  a bank holiday.  Further information can be found at

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeWard Waste Collection Dates Update 2 20162016N/ABiannual
TypeWard Waste Collection Dates Update 1 20162016N/ABiannual

expandWedding Premises

Marriages and Civil Partnerships must take place either in the Register Office or an approved building. Religious ceremonies can only be conducted in religious buildings. This dataset details all licenced wedding venues.

File TypeName (for use in forms)Publication SchemeYearQuarterFrequency
TypeWedding Premises 2015-162015-16Q1Annually
TypeWedding Premises 2016-172016-17N/AAnnually